Dempo SC would like to officially announce the squad numbers for the 2020/21 season, which will see the Eagles compete in the Selvel Goa Professional League.
A total of 14 new faces in the squad this season, means there has been much reshuffling in the squad numbers from the previous campaign.
The 11 Players promoted from the Under 18’s are Aman Govekar (19), Danstan Fernandes (15), Necio Fernandes (27), Nigel Fernandes (16), Ryan Souza (33), Velanco Rodrigues (20), Vinay Harji (32), Myron Fernandes (22), Saiesh Bagkar (2), Darell Mascarenhas (21) & Kaniya Kamti (12).
The New Signings Richard Cardoz (25) , Melroy Fernandes (1) and Gaurav Vaigankar (3) have also chosen their numbers for the season, as the Eagles kickstart their campaign for the Goa Professional League on 1st February 2021.
The complete list is as follows:
19 Aman Govekar
6 Ariston Costa
7 Beevan D’Mello
15 Danstan Fernandes
21 Darrell Mascarenhas
8 Desmon Pereira
18 Edwin Viegas
3 Gaurav Vaigankar
12 Kanaiya Kamti
17 Kirtikesh Gadekar
9 Latesh Mandrekar
27 Necio Fernandes
16 Nigel Fernandes
13 Niraj Parekh
14 Pedro Gonsalves
5 Pruthvesh Pednekar
23 Rajat Harijan
25 Richard Cardoz
33 Ryan Souza
37 Shallum Pires
4 Shubham Malvankar
11 Suraj Hadkonkar
20 Velanco Rodrigues
32 Vinay Harji
30 Wellyster Mendes
26 Alber Gonsalves
1 Melroy Fernandes
22 Myron Fernandes
2 Saiesh Bagkar